
[REVIEW] Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2

 After having a pretty fun time playing Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story despite some of the game's drawbacks, I was thus pretty excited for the sequel, aptly named Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2 . There aren't enough fantasy RPG/sim hybrids around, and I'm happy to have more on the market. Hero School Story 2 was developed by Agate and published by PQube , just as with the last game in the series. And while it still centres around you, the player, becoming the principal of a prestigious hero-training academy, a number of things have changed from how they were before. Which makes sense; game franchises have to innovate, to keep titles from feeling stale or like basic rehashes of what came before. That being said, sometimes it can be odd to adjust to the changes between 1 game and the next, especially when you consider that this game seems to be a prequel. That's a lot of change along the timeline! EVERYTHING CHANGES First, let me say that I really enjoy this g...

[FFXIV JOURNAL] Actual Plot Progression

 I promised last week that I wouldn't spend so much time getting distracted by all the crafting and gathering jobs, and, well... But I did more than just crafting and gathering! I swear! So when we last left Razreesh and her adorable coeurl kitten, she was hanging around Limsa Lominsa after playing errand-girl for Raubahn. Naturally, because Razreesh just exudes Protagonist Vibes, people ask her to do a bunch of favours for them, including, "Hey, go clear fearsome pirates out of those caves!" Welcome to my first dungeon. So normally when I play MMOs I steer clear of events like this because ugh, forced human interaction. I don't like things that force me to run the dungeon with either a party of friends who may or may not be around when I'm playing (given when I sleep these days, the odds are that they're all asleep when I'm wide awake), or team up with a bunchy of randos who are likely just going to ignore my presence because they've been running th...

[FFXIV JOURNAL] Getting Distracted by Crafting

 This week, I admittedly didn't do as much plot-related stuff as I intended. But I have a good reason for that, I swear. And that reason is... I kept getting distracted by crafting jobs.  I'm really starting to understand how crafting jobs all feed into other crafting jobs in this game. I started out as a Weaver (even though I still haven't so much as approached a loom...), and that was fine to start, until I was told that Botanists can gather materials that can be used for weaving, like grass or cotton. Okay, so I'll go become a Botanist too, then. Botanists can gather that stuff, but they also gather wood and cooking ingredients. Fine, guess I'll become a Carpenter and Culinarian too, to make use of those things. But oh look, I've gathered so many animal skins from just fighting creatures as I go from quest to quest, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to become a Leatherworker too. Oh, you mean Leatherworkers also use metal in their profession? Guess it's tim...

[REVIEW] Powerwash Simulator

 You'd really think that a game about just washing a bunch of dirty things for hours of end wouldn't be that much fun. It's easy to think that it would get boring really quickly, and that there wouldn't be much in there to hold your attention. You'd definitely wouldn't think it would have a story arch that's absolutely bonkers and the equal of half the RPGs I've played over the years! Welcome, friends, to Powerwash Simulator . Powerwash Simulator released in mid-July 2022 on PC and XBox, though not until January 2023 did it make its way to Playstation and Switch. I was excited to finally get to play it then, as I'd seen a few YouTubers play through bits of it, and it looked like the exact sort of game I would enjoy, turning my brain off as I appreciated the simple pleasure of cleaning up something absolutely covered in mud, grime, and graffiti. Sometimes it's great to have something to do with my hands and eyes while I catch up on podcasts or li...

[FFXIV JOURNAL] And So It Begins...

 Since I'm not currently able to make videos due to computer problems, this is how I'll be documenting my adventures in Final Fantasy XIV. And old-fashioned game journal. Because I'm Internet-old, and this is how I do. This is my first time playing FFXIV, so I am a complete newbie at all of this. But I have to tell you, nothing makes me feel more ready for an adventure than hearing the Crystal Theme start playing as I gaze upon a huge city, knowing it contains so much possibility. Let's do this thing. So I set about making my character, agonizing over every little thing because let's face it, that's just how you make a character. You spend an hour going, "Hmm, is this right? Maybe this would be better. Oh, but I like the look of that instead..." It makes no damn difference what colour my eyes are, self, so just get to the game already! In the end, I made myself a cute little Au Ra lady, who's the same height as me, but far more pretty and adorable....

[REVIEW] Diablo IV Open Beta

 Diablo IV's open beta finished up this weekend, and what with it being open and all, I was fortunate enough to play it. I didn't get to play it as much as I wanted (that is to say, every waking moment this past weekend), but I definitely played enough to form some solid opinions on this early look into the game. That being said, when the game finally does release (currently set to be on June 6, 2023), some things may have changed between what I say here and the final version. The fun of early access and betas! I'll start this off by establishing that I didn't play either Diablo III or Diablo Immortal. I haven't played a Diablo game since Diablo II, which I had so much fun playing either solo or with friends back in the day. Despite not being fond of many of ActiBlizz's business practices , I thought I'd still be in a position to test out and see what I thought of this newest entry into the Diablo franchise. I can't speak to what may have changed since D...